Friday, March 25, 2011

Seriously, a Fruit That Tempting?

Mmmm! Yummy!
Gen. 3: 6 When the Woman saw that the tree looked like good eating and realized what she would get out of it-she'd know everything!-she took and ate the fruit and then gave some to her husband, and he ate.
7 Immediately the two of them did "see what's really going on"-saw themselves naked! They sewed fig leaves together as makeshift clothes for themselves. Msg
Seriously, the fruit being an apple, I mean, apples are nice and all, but I’ve yet to witness a woman having this uncontrollable, willing to end their most prized relationship over an apple. Now if the story went something like this: The fruit had a rich coating of buttery caramel then rolled in crush Butterfinger candy bits, she took some and ate it, then I’d have a much easier time getting behind the story.
Today as I was reading this scripture, I had many thoughts toward what was packed into these two verses. A woman’s desire to know everything, a man’s lack of leadership to say no, satan came to the woman first, she was the easiest to be tempted and her charm entice her husband to do what was wrong. Whether we are men or women we all have tempting points that the enemy may try to persuade us to disobey God. Before the fall I believe both Adam and Eve had a very intimate relationship with God, their very emotions, thoughts and life revolved around their relationship with Him but yet that was not enough. The tree and fruit had become more appealing to the body’s senses. The key to their disobedience was: they did not understand, trust and obey His word. How’s your relationship with God? On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 meaning I don’t know Him and 10 over the top, breathtaking; how would you rate yourself? Now how would you rate yourself toward understanding and trusting His word? From 1 to 10, 1 meaning not at all and 10 I will do anything He says, what would you say? The point I’m trying to make aware is this; the relationship, understanding, trusting and obedience to His word must be our highest priority. My challenge to you; “What are you personally going to do to increase your level in these four areas?”

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bee Sting Lead a Person to Christ.

Years ago a client of mine, Jan, told me an insightful and humorous story of her and her 70 year old mom traveling down the interstate.  A bee had flown up Jan’s skirt and started stinging her multiple times. In panic, Jan pulled off on the shoulder, slowed down the car, jumped out and began to dance around screaming as she pulled off most of her clothes to allow the bee escape. She then realized her decision to clear out of the car while still in gear was not a brilliant idea, her car was still going down the interstate. I can’t imagine what motorist would have been thinking upon seeing me running down the interstate with hardly anything on chasing a car with the door open hearing her a woman (her mom) screaming, “Dear Jesus save me, dear Jesus save me!” at the top of her lungs.  Jan paused laughing for a moment and said I haven’t gotten to the good part yet. Just moments before this nightmare happened her and her mom had a conversation about accepting a relationship with Christ. Her mom had said she wasn’t ready yet when the bee surprise happened.  The result was the car went down a steep embankment totaled the car, but remarkably her mom was OK.  In an instant her mom accepted Christ in an unforgettable moment.
I have to believe that God has a sense of humor by sending a bee to get the job done.  God has breathtaking love for all of us and does not want anyone to perish. With the turmoil of the world as it is, the sting of life has ripened the mind and heart toward searching for answers. Our response is communicating the good news.

Matt. 28: 19 Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.20 Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age."  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ideas Toward Improving Your Marriage

I was watching an episode from Seinfeld the other day where Jerry was breaking up with his girlfriend and Elaine was breaking up with her boyfriend. Over the course of several episodes, they have dropped more relationships over the most ridiculous things. Something inside of me wants to shout back at them….get over the little things and realize there will be times you will annoy each other. You are not going to find someone that meets your perfect wish list. Today I was pondering on the familiar passage about love found in 1 Cor. 13: 4-8. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.” It’s to bad that Jerry and Elaine doesn’t know more about what true love is. Actually, in reality it’s even with greater sadness that most Christians are like Jerry and Elaine not knowing how to apply commitment and love in their marriage relationship. 

My wife and I will soon be celebrating our 34th year of marriage together. We have both grown over the years but I can honestly say we have certainly had our shares of ups and downs as well as serious issues we had to work through. The loss of our business through bankruptcy, family ties that ended up in broken relationships, death of our second born child, moves to new communities, new churches, new jobs…. all of these were monumental for us…some were times of testing of how strong we were committed to one another. Even the births of our children, as wonderful as that was, it was not what held us together. I realize that it wasn’t the monumental moments in life that kept us together and kept our marriage strong.  It was our commitment to God, and God’s grace to us. It was a commitment to each other and a choice to love unconditionally.  Somehow in God’s sovereignty and for His Glory, because of our willingness to stay together, He made one glorious life out of two sinful, selfish people, the two I’s become a “we.” In the process “we” learned it takes a lot of hard work and determination toward overcoming the ridiculous things that come up.  The reward is so well worth it.

Putting what we’ve learned into writing here’s some terrific ideas on improving your relationship. Please feel free to comment on what has helped your marriage or advice to the ones who are about to get married.

  1. Believe that you have married the most amazing, adorable, incredible, person in the world…. even when they don’t act like that person.
  2. Be proud of their accomplishments and supportive of their interests.
  3. The strongest love comes from a source, Christ. Make Christ the center piece of your marriage. 1 John 4:19  We love because Christ loved us.
  4. Marriage is not based on feelings. Love is a choice. Always choose to love your spouse and the feelings will follow.
  5. Respect and trust each other.
  6. Be best of friends take pleasure in the things that make your partner joyful.
  7. Laugh a lot, have fun together and be playful.
  8. Be grateful, thankful communicating this before your spouse and God.
  9. Dwell on the positive experiences between you and your spouse. Never dwell on the negative experiences.
  10. Marriage is unity between real authentic forgivers. Forgive quickly.
  11. Never criticize your spouse, apply unconditional love toward the bazillion mistakes you both will make.
  12. Compliment your spouse in front of others.
  13. Never yell at your spouse except when there is a fire.
  14. Never bring up the forgiven past of hurtful experiences. Never use it against them.
  15. Don’t expect your spouse to meet your needs that’s God’s job.
  16. Pray for each other on a daily basis.
  17. Make big decisions together and dream together.
  18. Remember the three C’s: Communication, compromise and be committed.
  19. You win at marriage by losing your need to get your way.
  20. Serve the Lord, and commit your lives to Him.
  21. Even though you and your spouse may view money differently, work together.
  22. Keep financial debt at a minimum.
  23. Never stop flirting.
  24. Surprise your spouse with a gift, or love note on special occasions and no occasions.
  25. Take time to listen and respond to each other.
  26. Educate yourselves by reading God’s word, books on marriage and attending marriage seminars.
  27. Know the love languages of your spouse. Affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.
  28. Be patient, kind and slow to anger.
  29. Understand most serious issues can fall into four categories; dysfunctional past experiences, sin, misunderstandings and forgetfulness,
  30. When we think we are right about something, it’s not a competition that the winner gets the prize. Recognize you are both individuals that process differently. Communicate your feelings and let it go.
  31. If marriage is being difficult, ask for help. Wise counsel from a Christian counselor brings insight and results.
  32. Before you get married make a wise investment toward seeking premarital counsel from a Christian counselor. Marriage amplifies baggage. It’s like bringing a large moving truck to haul their stuff dumping it into your life. A skilled counselor can keep it from becoming overwhelming by helping you to understand the process of removing baggage stuff.
  33. Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ and submit to him. Husband provide leadership to your wife and go all out in your love for her. Eph 5:22-25
  34. Print this out, put this somewhere to be seen and read often.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Big Picture

If you are like most Christ followers, you want to please God with your life, which includes cultivating a serious relationship with Him and producing results (fruit). Like me, you can become lax in doing both without some guidance. We need a road map to show us how to get from point A to point B, so we do not go off course. One of the best ways of staying on track is to look at the big picture, develop goals and evaluate.

Big Picture

Each year I start out focusing on the big picture that God wants me to focus on for the year. The key here is what He wants me to focus onUnless the Lord builds the house we labor in vain. We do not want to labor long hours and find out it wasn’t helpful. We need to pursue what He wants us to accomplish, what He wants us to achieve. We seek His focus. Lets’ stop here, and examine what I just said because this is so powerful and I think most Christ followers have no clue and may I add one of the reasons why most Christ followers are discontent and empty inside. Imagine for a moment, the creator of all life, the creator of the planets, the creator of the universes gives you His highest approval on what you are doing. Ok hold that thought. Now picture the most magnificent Creator of everything, gives His full support, His power, His Son interceding on my behalf, His angels, a spiritual energy that is incomparable to none coming along side you. Wowwww! Unstoppable force! The Almighty’s backing! Believe me, I can camp here for awhile. This sooo excites me to no end. You have just become God’s point person to His glory by seeking His voluminous picture, a plan that will reap abundantly. Ok, I pray that God’s presence will show you right now what I’m trying to communicate in Jesus name.

Doesn’t it make huge sense that the most esteemed Father God in your entire life and life to come should be a top priority toward seeking His will, His love, His blessings? Scripture makes it extremely clear we have a responsibility to own up to, showing ourselves accountable to Him. Also, it says we will be rewarded for what we accomplished for Him and judged for what didn’t accomplish. Lets’ think about this for a moment. You are standing by yourself before the most awesome, magnificent, creator, the one who allowed His Son to die for you. The very presence of His glory makes your whole body trembling in fear and silence; He asks you in a loud, booming voice, “What have you accomplished in your life time to honor His Son, and honor Him?” Dahhhh. That ought to be a clue right there if He has to ask you. Believe me this will not be an opportune time to say, “Was this important? Nobody told me. I was busy raising my family and working. I did go to church and attended bible study. It’s my spouse’s fault.” Yowser! This screams, “Loser!” Not acceptable… We are saved by grace, not by works but this doesn’t mean we are given a free ticket toward not doing what’s expected of us. Ok, so I think I’ve explained the big picture clear enough. Lets’ move on toward how we can achieve the big picture by creating personal goals. Suspense!  Next article in the making. J

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Romans 14:12 “So then, each of us will give an account of himself before God.

Accountable: An obligation to someone toward informing past or future decisions, actions, to justify them, to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.

Each morning I find it so fascinating and soul satisfying meditating on His word. When I open the Bible or hit the Bible button on my phone, God always direct me to a particular subject and fills my mind to a whole new understanding. I call it the 1 on 1 adventure with my Father. These moments should be the most sought after but I can honestly say I fail immensely at spending enough time toward exploring with Him. I realize it all boils down to my accountability. If you highly value something you will spend your time and energy toward learning about it, speaking about it, enjoying it, cherishing the moments with it, dreaming about it, obeying it, loving it and accountable to it.  We are all held responsible for our actions. Ouch!
 If you are like me, you don’t think too much about accountability being a big deal. Christ died for us, we are going to make mistakes and He forgives us. He has granted us freedom from bondage. No worries. But the scripture also makes it clear that one of these days each one of us will have to explain, give a report to God for what we done, what we didn’t do, who we loved and didn’t love. In other words, I have to own up to what I done or didn’t do. Holy Moly!

So there are two thoughts that need more exploring.
  1. Valuing Him.
  2. Preparation for explaining ourselves before Him.

I will pick up on these two subjects in my next devotions. Meanwhile, think about these two things:

How does valuing someone come about?”
What does it mean to be accountable to someone?

Would love to hear your thoughts on any of the above, please post your comments.

Monday, September 27, 2010

God Time

Glenn has only two speeds; overdrive, for the things he likes to do (this is also known as the "Run until you collapse" mode), and snail's pace, for putting on clothes, eating vegetables, and going to bed; high points for my health insurance wellness program.

I've been feeling that we have less and less time to spare and that 'Grumpy' and 'Stress' seem to be spending more and more time together.

I'm late…I'm late! Street light turn green now…Come on get out of the way. I’ve got to run to Home Depot and pick out some paint. Oh that reminds me I need to get those special bolts that only Lowes has. Better check my outlook calendar on my phone. Oh, no way, I don’t remember making those meeting appointments. Meeting starts in 15 minutes. Daughter’s soccer game at 5. Shop needs to be clean, dust junk everywhere. I need to spend time finishing the house project before cold weather sets in. Need to spend more time with my wife and daughter. Need to spend more time reading my new books.  Accident ahead. Traffic stopped.  I don’t have time for this.  Now where is my list? 

One definition of insanity, attributed to Albert Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hmmmm…

Whether family, work or finding time for you, in the mist of a chaotic schedule, I often need to remind myself I need to stop and take time to connect with God. Today, as I was reading Psalms 46 it was good to reflect on two things “God wants us to take time to see His creation and experience Him.”

Psalm 46: 8-10  (Message)

 8-10 ATTENTION ALL! See the marvels of God!
      He plants flowers and trees all over the earth,
   Bans war from pole to pole,
      breaks all the weapons across his knee.
   "Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
      loving look at me, your High God,
      above politics, above everything."

As all the blanks on the calendar are filled in, as the pressure to perform peaks, as dust bunnies dance all over the floor, it is He who makes the sun to shine, the leaves to change colors and our hearts to be full of joy and peace. He wants much more than the hand me downs, of a few words. He wants your relationship. He wants appreciation for the things He creates and does for us. Then and only then does a life of satisfaction and purpose happens inside of us.
 Isaiah 40:29, 31 (Message)
He energizes those who are tired and gives fresh strength to those who wait upon Him.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Non-Huggers, Huggers

And that's about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace. 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

When I read this verse today I couldn’t help but think, what the heck is a, “holy embrace.” Out of all the things that are most extraordinary in the Bible, such as God, Jesus, Spirit, love, cross, heaven, I was consumed in thought trying to understanding those two words. What’s up with that? Am I loosing it in my old age, becoming one short of a happy meal? Anyway, you won’t believe this but after a little research I found out it implies, a kiss, hug or both at the same time. No way! Seriously God, did you put these two words in by mistake? Did you think you would just slip that one in without my attention? Was it an extrovert that wrote this needing some extra physical attention? Ok, come along with me and close your eyes, visualize Bill Hybels teaching on this verse at a weekend service. I believe he would say this verse is from the Book of Hesitation, don’t go there.

I have to admit something inside of me says embrace, it’s what I want to do. When it comes to church, I’m a hugger. There I said it. Yes, it’s a real awkward confessional moment for me. It’s not like I want to hug every man, woman and child. Like so many things it depends. I think having been brought up by a father who was uncomfortable hugging me, I have experienced first hand the detrimental effects that non- hugging can have. I recently, gave my father the biggest hug in the history of hugs. This actually caught him off guard and was a little awkward at first but he extended his arms around me and squeezed. Hmmm. As I have aged, I’ve come to appreciate the value of my father, mother, family, in-laws and true friends. Now that I’m thinking about it, I blame my in-laws for inventing the whole darn need for hugs in my life. Every time I visited them it was the full on, real bear squeeze hug. No east-side or west-side, half-full hug thing. And something inside me said I kind-a like that.  

By the way,  I came from a church that gave lots of, “blessing pats.” That’s just wrong! You’re killing me! I believe it’s about time everyone needs a full course about  “full frontal hugging,” it’s not a sinful abomination. Just wrap your arms around a friend and embrace them. Now back to the holy puckering thing. Well, hooey, I’m drawing the line. No face banging! No sneak attacks!  He or she shall be punished in due course, not escaping my wrath. God, I won’t be held accountable, will I???  I'M NOT doing that puckering thing! Oh, no, I just said “I’m not” in front of God.  I’m having a REAL awkward feeling about this.