Monday, September 27, 2010

God Time

Glenn has only two speeds; overdrive, for the things he likes to do (this is also known as the "Run until you collapse" mode), and snail's pace, for putting on clothes, eating vegetables, and going to bed; high points for my health insurance wellness program.

I've been feeling that we have less and less time to spare and that 'Grumpy' and 'Stress' seem to be spending more and more time together.

I'm late…I'm late! Street light turn green now…Come on get out of the way. I’ve got to run to Home Depot and pick out some paint. Oh that reminds me I need to get those special bolts that only Lowes has. Better check my outlook calendar on my phone. Oh, no way, I don’t remember making those meeting appointments. Meeting starts in 15 minutes. Daughter’s soccer game at 5. Shop needs to be clean, dust junk everywhere. I need to spend time finishing the house project before cold weather sets in. Need to spend more time with my wife and daughter. Need to spend more time reading my new books.  Accident ahead. Traffic stopped.  I don’t have time for this.  Now where is my list? 

One definition of insanity, attributed to Albert Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hmmmm…

Whether family, work or finding time for you, in the mist of a chaotic schedule, I often need to remind myself I need to stop and take time to connect with God. Today, as I was reading Psalms 46 it was good to reflect on two things “God wants us to take time to see His creation and experience Him.”

Psalm 46: 8-10  (Message)

 8-10 ATTENTION ALL! See the marvels of God!
      He plants flowers and trees all over the earth,
   Bans war from pole to pole,
      breaks all the weapons across his knee.
   "Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
      loving look at me, your High God,
      above politics, above everything."

As all the blanks on the calendar are filled in, as the pressure to perform peaks, as dust bunnies dance all over the floor, it is He who makes the sun to shine, the leaves to change colors and our hearts to be full of joy and peace. He wants much more than the hand me downs, of a few words. He wants your relationship. He wants appreciation for the things He creates and does for us. Then and only then does a life of satisfaction and purpose happens inside of us.
 Isaiah 40:29, 31 (Message)
He energizes those who are tired and gives fresh strength to those who wait upon Him.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Non-Huggers, Huggers

And that's about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace. 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

When I read this verse today I couldn’t help but think, what the heck is a, “holy embrace.” Out of all the things that are most extraordinary in the Bible, such as God, Jesus, Spirit, love, cross, heaven, I was consumed in thought trying to understanding those two words. What’s up with that? Am I loosing it in my old age, becoming one short of a happy meal? Anyway, you won’t believe this but after a little research I found out it implies, a kiss, hug or both at the same time. No way! Seriously God, did you put these two words in by mistake? Did you think you would just slip that one in without my attention? Was it an extrovert that wrote this needing some extra physical attention? Ok, come along with me and close your eyes, visualize Bill Hybels teaching on this verse at a weekend service. I believe he would say this verse is from the Book of Hesitation, don’t go there.

I have to admit something inside of me says embrace, it’s what I want to do. When it comes to church, I’m a hugger. There I said it. Yes, it’s a real awkward confessional moment for me. It’s not like I want to hug every man, woman and child. Like so many things it depends. I think having been brought up by a father who was uncomfortable hugging me, I have experienced first hand the detrimental effects that non- hugging can have. I recently, gave my father the biggest hug in the history of hugs. This actually caught him off guard and was a little awkward at first but he extended his arms around me and squeezed. Hmmm. As I have aged, I’ve come to appreciate the value of my father, mother, family, in-laws and true friends. Now that I’m thinking about it, I blame my in-laws for inventing the whole darn need for hugs in my life. Every time I visited them it was the full on, real bear squeeze hug. No east-side or west-side, half-full hug thing. And something inside me said I kind-a like that.  

By the way,  I came from a church that gave lots of, “blessing pats.” That’s just wrong! You’re killing me! I believe it’s about time everyone needs a full course about  “full frontal hugging,” it’s not a sinful abomination. Just wrap your arms around a friend and embrace them. Now back to the holy puckering thing. Well, hooey, I’m drawing the line. No face banging! No sneak attacks!  He or she shall be punished in due course, not escaping my wrath. God, I won’t be held accountable, will I???  I'M NOT doing that puckering thing! Oh, no, I just said “I’m not” in front of God.  I’m having a REAL awkward feeling about this.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

God Mentors Children

Years ago, I remember a day came when all three of our children no longer wore diapers. It was one of those overwhelming emotional moments to celebrate. Little did I realize how chaotic our lives where about to become and that God had in mind one more child. It reminds me what Lucille Ball had once said after a not so good day with her children, "One thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents."  It's a big responsibility raising children. I remember feeling anxiety many times. You want to do everything right but yet kids don't come with, How To Guides. As a parent who tried so hard of doing my best, the anxiety of  knowing I would fail was getting to me. One morning, God lead me to a scripture that lifted a bazillion tons of weight off of me. Found in Isaiah 54:13,
 All your children will have God for their teacher... what a mentor for our children. The first time I read that I remember weeping and having a spirit of joy at the same time. God was on my side. He was helping me raise our children. From there on I joyously accepted His roll and did the best I could, knowing between both of us it was going to be ok.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Frustration: A feeling of anxiety, dissatisfaction toward not moving forward in resolving an issue or a sudden, unexplainable, uncontrollable action that causes stress, anxiety, and disappointment.

As I’m getting older I would like to think I am getting better at handling my emotions and feelings. You know the whole love, happiness, sadness, joy, excitement and anger routine. We are in control. 50 year olds rule. Fortunately or unfortunately, I realize I do not have a handle on everything. Someone passes the hot potato of life, stuff and hurt, right into your lap and you have to deal with it.  At times, I’m a really good actor winning many Golden Globe Awards with my contagious happy Jesus smile and for knowing the biblical script really well, but on the inside I’m this shadow of an un-transformed, blissfully unaware, why do I feel this way, individual. An individual that causes the Holy Spirit to work overtime, 24/7 inside me
I have to say; it’s not easy searching for clarity on why you feel the way you feel. I realize no matter how strong my relationship is in Christ or how mature I am, frustration is difficult to process and to communicate about. Suddenly something we didn’t expect or see coming; a death in the family, challenge at work, someone doesn’t care, sickness, we find ourselves in the land of the impossible. It’s just a fact of life we all have to face. So where do we start the process?  Do we start praying that the rapture will come and Jesus sucks us up into heaven or better yet Jesus sucks the life out of the person who caused us to feel frustrated? Well, even though both sounds incredibly rewarding it’s probably not the best solution to wait for. So, here is what I’ve learn over the years that helps me through the healing process of frustration:

  1. Flip your mental switch toward the positive instead of the negative. Don’t dwell on negative feelings.
  2. Always show respect to each other. Getting back at someone is not a choice. Dumping anger, by screaming and yelling at individuals is un-acceptable. This only produces more hurt.
  3. Create imaginary boundaries. Think of a thick, tall cement wall and you place those negative feelings behind it. No one can get them out except you. Other people may try to get them out but they can’t unless you let them.
  4. Process for positive solutions.
  5. Allow God to engage in you. This starts by seeking the scripture, praying (taking it before God), listening (for God whispers) and spending time processing God thoughts and your thoughts. I like what Psalms 1-3 says.  In a nutshell; anyone who meditates upon God’s word becomes deep rooted like a tree, their spirit and soul refreshed, and will bear fruit for everyone to share. I sense God smiling when we do this. He loves that you are seeking Him for solutions and will empower you with His Spirit.
  6. Seek counsel if you feel stuck. We all come to the table with a history of dysfunctionality in some form of another. It may be beyond our capabilities. Seek help and support of others.
  7. Communicate. Get clarity on information that caused the frustration. You may have misinterpreted what was said. Remember have dialogue with the attitude of humility, forgiveness and with the intention of coming up with solutions.

I recently read a statement that Hellen Keller once said, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of the trail and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”  It’s a no-brainer that no one wants to go through a broken experience. But it is also obvious we will. Look at your brokenness as a journey toward producing a Christ’s character in you. That kind of attitude will produce fruit for everyone to share.

Would love to hear your comments or stories on this subject. There is a comment line for your convenience. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Awesome God

It’s so difficult to un-package the uniqueness, the splendor of Holiness, the intense love, perfect in every way, extraordinary artist and creator, throbs with magnificent life, joy and beauty, powerful, brilliant, the author of time and life stories, creator of all things, most intelligent King of Kings, Lord of Lords, GOD. If that’s not mind blowing enough, He takes pleasure in you and me, and what we do every moment we do in the sight of Him.  This scene takes my breath away! I’m flooded with feelings of how horrific, unimaginable toward how we marginalize His awesomeness. Our immeasurable allegiance, praise, worship, prayer and love belong to Him.

Deuteronomy 6:5 

5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The other day I was on the phone discussing an important subject with an individual when I realized we were no longer connected. Somewhere in the conversation the call was dropped because of low signal. That can be so frustrating. Being disconnected wastes your time and theirs. This subject of making a connection with individuals is a very important topic. It’s more than communication. It’s being able to interact and engage with an individual. Here are some things I’ve learned over the years toward making an engaging connection.

  1. Start with your attitude. Desire to add value toward the individual.
  2. Communicate in such way they feel valued and add value through edification.
  3. Spend time toward listening to the individual.
  4. Be authentic without an agenda. A heart to serve and love them. Be sincere.
  5. Share ideas. Learn and discover.
  6. Celebrate their success and accomplishments.
  7. Convey a since of energy, enthusiasm and respect to them.
  8. Smile. Be real. Laugh together.
  9. Inspire them.
Hebrews 10:24-25   Let us see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out each other. Worship together and spur each other on.


I love reading about stories of individuals in the Bible that have conflict and challenges. It’s those kinds of stories that spark my interest and have great memories of.  Gideon is one of those classic stories that have always been my favorite. Found in Judges 6 and 7 the scene begins with Gideon threshing his father’s wheat in order to keep it away from the Midianites. With boldness he declares to God it’s not right that the Israelites are being impoverished by Midian. How could the miraculous God that save his father out of the hands of Egypt allows this to happen. Then there is this classic answer by God, ok I will save them by sending you to defeat the Midianites. Put it in modern day terms; alright you are seeing this need, you do something about. Gideon, just like most of us, began to make excuses.
We all witness the serious issues around us and say why doesn’t God care? Why doesn’t He do something? But in reality God has given us everything we need to do something about it. For Gideon it was all about the (v27) fear of what others would think or react and (v17) being able to trust God, which sounds a lot like us today. One miracle, two fleeces and going into the enemies camp to listen to a dream latter, Gideon began to trust.  What would it take for us to do something out of our comfort zone? Would it take seeing the whole universe stopping for 24 hours or would we react to someone in need without God telling us to do so? We are good at seeing the issues at hand but not so good at following through with solutions. God gave us, not only His Holy Spirit, something Gideon did not have but many wonderful promises that say in a nutshell He is with us always. One of my favorite verses I go back to when I’m in a challenging situation is this; 2 Timothy 1:7-8 “God did not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, of love and a sound mind. Do not be ashamed to be an example before others,” Don’t be like the 2/3 of Gideon’s army who walked away because they trembled with fear? God has given us all the provisions to be successful doers. I want to end on this observation. After Gideon witnessed God’s provision toward removing the bondage of the enemy, Gideon fell on his knees to worship God. He acknowledges a bond relationship with God. You see love for God drives out fear.  It’s our time to pray, to listen, to trust and to worshiping Him becoming God’s hero to a lost world.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


The Bible has been a faithful companion to me for many years. It opens my heart unto the greatest love story of all times. When you read and listen to its words, and enter into its story by faith, something very personal happens, dynamically. Listening to the Bible is like having the wisest, most powerful person in the world sit down with you for coffee as a friend and chat with you. It’s invigorating, powerful, vibrant and teeming with beauty, wisdom and wonder. The Bible is God's breathe to us. Believing the Bible changed my life. To this day, I continue to reflect toward the amazing discovery that God has dreams for us. Reading the Bible, rearranges my thoughts, my motives, my needs and my desires. It prepares the soil of our hearts to engage in the most glorious enterprise in all of life, God’s love.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Create Moments

Have you ever thought about organizing your time to create priceless moments? Moments you look back on and said I’m so glad that happened. As I’m getting older I found myself looking back at the things I did and wonder if those things I did will really matter. Did my purpose here on earth really count? Did I influence my family, my friends or people I just met toward a cherished moment? Did you ever realize we are in control of creating and capturing?  I know raising children, working hard at making an income, brief vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, no time to spend time, it seems like the motion of life is pushing you along the tracks like a train without any control.
But did you know we are in control. We are in control of creating and capturing. 
Looking at the bazillion moments in my life I realize I could have done more to create and capture those moments. I wish I would have known at an earlier age that waking up to a day of purpose and adventure, seizing, creating divine moments was in my grasp. Now, I sooo enjoy waking up to this new frontier of adventure. Purposely, each day creating special moments of whom I come in contact with. I love what Dewitt Jones a renowned photographer once said, “Creating and capturing moments is the ability to look at the ordinary, and see the extraordinary.” Dare to live a life of creating those moments that shape destiny.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our Minds

Our Minds

The news media network outlets such as CNN or Fox creates drama and hype of what is horribly wrong and broken. I can’t image Jesus if he was living in today’s society would care about the world news of the worst, the ugly and things to curse. He didn’t verbally attack the government, or world powers for their horrendous acts they did when he was here on earth. He simply said, His kingdom is not of this world. His followers sooo did not want to hear that. We should follow Paul’s advice found in Philippians 4:8-9 and 1 Timothy 2:1-3: think upon the beautiful, things to praise and pray for our rulers so we can quietly go about our business. Leave the rest to God, He makes everything work out.

Phil. 4:8-9
Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
1 Tim. 2:1-3
The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.