Friday, September 24, 2010

Non-Huggers, Huggers

And that's about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace. 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

When I read this verse today I couldn’t help but think, what the heck is a, “holy embrace.” Out of all the things that are most extraordinary in the Bible, such as God, Jesus, Spirit, love, cross, heaven, I was consumed in thought trying to understanding those two words. What’s up with that? Am I loosing it in my old age, becoming one short of a happy meal? Anyway, you won’t believe this but after a little research I found out it implies, a kiss, hug or both at the same time. No way! Seriously God, did you put these two words in by mistake? Did you think you would just slip that one in without my attention? Was it an extrovert that wrote this needing some extra physical attention? Ok, come along with me and close your eyes, visualize Bill Hybels teaching on this verse at a weekend service. I believe he would say this verse is from the Book of Hesitation, don’t go there.

I have to admit something inside of me says embrace, it’s what I want to do. When it comes to church, I’m a hugger. There I said it. Yes, it’s a real awkward confessional moment for me. It’s not like I want to hug every man, woman and child. Like so many things it depends. I think having been brought up by a father who was uncomfortable hugging me, I have experienced first hand the detrimental effects that non- hugging can have. I recently, gave my father the biggest hug in the history of hugs. This actually caught him off guard and was a little awkward at first but he extended his arms around me and squeezed. Hmmm. As I have aged, I’ve come to appreciate the value of my father, mother, family, in-laws and true friends. Now that I’m thinking about it, I blame my in-laws for inventing the whole darn need for hugs in my life. Every time I visited them it was the full on, real bear squeeze hug. No east-side or west-side, half-full hug thing. And something inside me said I kind-a like that.  

By the way,  I came from a church that gave lots of, “blessing pats.” That’s just wrong! You’re killing me! I believe it’s about time everyone needs a full course about  “full frontal hugging,” it’s not a sinful abomination. Just wrap your arms around a friend and embrace them. Now back to the holy puckering thing. Well, hooey, I’m drawing the line. No face banging! No sneak attacks!  He or she shall be punished in due course, not escaping my wrath. God, I won’t be held accountable, will I???  I'M NOT doing that puckering thing! Oh, no, I just said “I’m not” in front of God.  I’m having a REAL awkward feeling about this.

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